Manage Students

In this article

Students are shared across your account. This way, you can keep track of which schedules they have been assigned to and it will make it easier for you to add them to multiple schedules.

You can see all your students in the Student list.

Add a Student

  1. Navigate to the Student Dashboard
  2. Click on the "Add" Button.
  3. Enter the student's name.

The student will be created and will be assigned to the school year. You can then add them to your schedule.

You can also create students directly from the Scheduler.

Assign a Student to a Year

In order for ClassMap to see your existing students in the Scheduler, you need to make sure they are part of the current school year. TO do this:

  1. Go to the Student Dashboard
  2. Edit the student
  3. Add them to the current school year.
  4. Save

Now, when you go to the Scheduler, you'll be able to add "Existing Student" to the Schedule. This will allow ClassMap to keep track of how many schedules the student has been assigned to (as well as for future features 😉).

Edit a Student

  1. Open your Schedule.
  2. Open the Student Sidebar.
  3. Hover over the student name.
  4. A Gear and Trash icon will be displayed.
  5. Select the Gear icon and the form with the student's details will open up.
  6. Modify the information and Save.

Delete a Student

  1. Open your Schedule.
  2. Open the Student Sidebar.
  3. Hover over the student name.
  4. A Gear and Trash icon will be displayed.
  5. Select the Trash icon.
  6. A modal will be displayed asking for your confirmation.
  7. Confirm and your student will be deleted.

Note: This will also remove the student from the Schedule.

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