Manage Stations

In this article

Add a Station

Note: If you want to quickly create a Station, you can also use Quick Actions.
  1. Open the Station Sidebar.
  2. Click on the Add Station button.
  3. Enter the Station name
  4. Select a color. 
  5. Optional: Upload or select an image

Edit a Station

  1. Open the Station Sidebar.
  2. Hover over the station name.
  3. Gear and Trash icon will be displayed.
  4. Select the Gear icon and the form with the station's details will open up.
  5. Modify the information and Save.

If you modified the Station Color, you'll see the Schedule refresh with the updated color.

Delete a Station

  1. Open the Station Sidebar.
  2. Hover over the station name.
  3. Gear and Trash icon will be displayed.
  4. Select the Trash icon.
  5. A modal will be displayed asking for your confirmation.
  6. Confirm and your station will be deleted.
Note: This will also remove the station from any assignments in the Schedule.

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