Station Icon

For students they can’t read yet, providing an image is sometimes easier than just a color.

ClassMap will use this Station Icon when it is generating the Printed schedules.

In this article

Adding a Station Icon

  1. Edit/Add a Station.

  2. Scroll to the Image Wall.
  3. Upload an image by clicking on the Plus icon.
  4. Select an image from your computer (you can only upload jpeg or png images).
  5. The uploaded image will be available for selection.

Selecting an icon 

  1. When you hover over an image, you’ll see a check mark icon.
  2. Click that and a border will be drawn on the image indicating that it is selected.

  1. Save the station to make your selection stick.

Deleting an icon

Note: images are shared across your whole account. Deleting an image might affect other stations and tasks.
  1. When you hover over an image, you’ll see a trash mark icon.
  2. Click that and a confirmation modal will be shown.
  3. This is a destructive action and cannot be undone.
  4. Once deleted, it will not be available for any station, even if they had selected it as their station image.

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