Interact with Scheduler

The Scheduler is at the heart of ClassMap, since it will be the component that you interact with it the most.

I aimed to make it easy and efficient to use, so I built it with Excel spreadsheet functionality in mind.

In this article

Keyboard interaction

  • Arrow Keys - Navigate the Scheduler by using your arrow keys. 
  • Enter key - Start editing the Scheduler. 
  • Escape key - Cancel the station assignment. 
  • Delete key - Remove a station assignment 
  • Copy and Paste - Copy a station assignment and paste it in another place

    (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V for Windows and Command + C and Command V for Mac)

Assign a station

  1. Navigate (using the Arrow Keys or with your Mouse) to a Schedule Cell.
  2. Double click (or hit the Enter Key) to trigger the station assignment mode.
  3. You will see a list of all the available stations.
  4. Use the arrow keys to navigate the list or type the name of a station.
    1. If there’s an existing station with that name, it will filter those out. 
    2. If there isn’t and option to Quick Add it will be shown.
  5. Select with your Mouse or the Enter key to assign that station.

Remove an assigned station

  1. Navigate (using the Arrow Keys or with your Mouse) to a Scheduler Cell.
  2. You have two options at this point:
    1. Double click (or hit the Enter Key) to trigger the station assignment mode.
      1. Select the Clear option under the Quick Actions.
    2. Hit the Delete Key.

Copy one or multiple assigned station

  1. Navigate (using the Arrow Keys or with your Mouse) to a Scheduler Cell.
  2. You have two options at this point:
    1. With your mouse, left click, hold and select all the cells you want to copy.
    2. OR With your keyboard, press and hold Shift then with the Arrow Keys, select the cells you want to copy
  3. Release the mouse/Shift key
  4. To copy the stations, on your keyboard press: Ctrl + C for Windows OR Command + C for Mac.
  5. Find the cell you want to copy the selected assigned stations to and CLICK the cell with your mouse
    1. Moving with your keyboard and pasting isn't working right now 🙁 I'm investigating why, so please make sure you select the cell you want to copy to with your mouse.
  6. To paste the assigned stations to the new location, on your keyboard press: Ctrl + V for Windows OR Command + V for Mac.

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