Manage Time

In this article

Add a Time

  1. Open the Time Sidebar.
  2. Click on the + New button
  3. A form where you can enter the time will be shown.

Add Multiple Times

Since most station groups are created using specific time intervals, ClassMap allows you to create all of these times at once.

  1. Open the New Time form.
  2. Select the time that will be used as the start time.
  3. Enable Add Multiple Times.
  4. Enter how long each station should be.
  5. Select the end time for the interval.
  6. You'll see a preview of the time slots that will be created.
  7. Save the form and ClassMap will add those times to the Schedule.

Delete Time

  1. Open the Time Sidebar.
  2. Find the time you want to delete and hover over it.
  3. Click on the Trash icon.
  4. A confirmation prompt will be shown. Click on Yes to delete the time.
Note: When you delete a time, it will remove it from the Schedule and any stations assigned to that time will be removed.

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